Date: 6/7/04
Location: Pacific Orientation Course, Madang, Papua New Guinea
I started to feel a little lonely today - like I am running out of energy to keep initiating interactions with other people. But I know I must rely on God for my strength and keep serving as best as I know how anyway. As for talking to nationals, I never really know what to say - literally! I feel like I want to learn more Tok Pisin first, but I know that isn't a good strategy, because I need to speak it to learn well. My throat is a little sore tonight - I wish I had zinc lozenges with me - but I took another garlic pill at least. I pray God will cure my sore throat and keep me healthy!
It is raining out tonight, I believe, which is wonderful! I have a lot of DEET on tonight... I wonder how/if it can hurt me... I got emails from Mom and Dad and Tabitha today, which was fun . We also learned quite a bit about male-female interaction in PNG culture today - about what is appropriate and what isn't.