Date: 6/16/04
Location: Village living near Madang, Papua New Guinea
Today we travelled about 45 minutes to an hour away to a village. Nine of us women are staying in one house - six inside and three outside on the porch. ("Our" men are staying in a nearby village.) Last night and when we were driving to the village this morning, I was struck by the truth that God lives inside me. This means He is closer than any friend I have, who can only come close enough to hug me. God is inside me - He can feel everything I feel - pain, hurt, joy - every little hurt and fear, no matter how big or small.
The people at this village are nice. We were all a bit quiet when we first got here. We took a nap then, and then went down to the river to wash. The river was very nice - about four feet at its deepest point, clean, and it had a huge rock walling one sie, lending privacy. After we came back, we helped peel vegetables and squeeze coconut milk. I played volleyball and had lots of fun, ate supper (canned corned beef, rice, starchy vegetables and greens), and went to a lotu ("church") service. They used both Tok Pisin and Tok Ples. I also got to play guitar.